Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

What if what you have worked your whole life for a goal, just to discover that maybe it wasn’t really what you wanted? In a roundabout way, that’s what happens to Jessica Montgomery in Caught Up in the Touch.

Jessica is 29 and has spent her life trying to measure up to the expectations of her father who is also her boss. He sends her to Falcon to woo Logan Wilde to work for their company. Things don’t go as planned and Jessica ends up changing her entire life.

Jessica and Logan are both great characters; they both have struggled with themselves in the past and have come out stronger. I loved their interactions with each other and how they went from slightly adversarial to friends to a couple. One of my favorite themes in the book is one of acceptance and support. You see it in the relationship between Logan and Jessica, but also in the relationships of some of the secondary characters.

Caught Up in the Touch is the second book in the Falcon Football series, but it didn’t feel like it. For starters, it takes place roughly 2 years after the first book and while the main characters from the first book make appearances, their story doesn’t impact that of Logan and Jessica. This is an incredibly well written book that is both fun and heartfelt; I am looking forward to coming back to Falcon to see what happens next.

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  • 25 July, 2015: Reviewed