Among Thieves by John Clarkson

Among Thieves (James Beck)

by John Clarkson

"Olivia Sanchez--smart, driven, and beautiful--started at the bottom and worked her way up the ranks of a brokerage firm only to be unjustly, brutally fired, then blackballed. With no place else to go, she turns to her cousin, Manny Guzman, ex-con and ex-gang leader, for help. Manny's first instinct is to hit back. Hard. But his partner, James Beck knows that out in the real world, things aren't done that way. Beck, with a tight group of three other ex-cons, works out of a discreet base of operations in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Red Hook. To help Manny, he and his partners, along with a network of close "associates," offer to look into what happened to Olivia, and fix it. But nothing is as simple as it first appears, and Beck and his men end up going to war against a formidable list of enemies: the politically connected CEO of a Manhattan brokerage firm; a Russian arms dealer; a small army of Bosnian war criminals; a ruthless gang of Russian mobsters; and, last but not least, the NYPD. With too many foes coming at them from too many angles, Beck and his men are going to have to survive against impossible odds, avoid being sent back to prison, and in the process, steal $116 million dollars"--

Reviewed by sleepseeker on

4 of 5 stars

This was a very good thriller book, it was easy to read and definitely a page turner.

There was action from the very beginning and it continued that way throughout the whole book. I guessed a few things about what would happen, but some I did not see coming. I like the main character Beck, he is a likeable character, who will do what needs to be done to take care of his crew.

Overall I really liked the book and the characters and I hope we get to see more of Beck and his crew in future books.

I won this book on Goodreads.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 26 November, 2014: Reviewed