Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

This is a short little book, but adorable. I love the illustrations and poetry of this Christmas Mouse story. While I read an advanced copy, I'd love to see the final print. It would go well with reading the Christmas version we own of the [b:The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse|13531786|The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse|Helen Ward||19093461] by [a:Helen Ward|50069|Helen Ward|]. After this one I'm going to be looking for more from [a:Anne Mortimer|983709|Anne Mortimer|] for our shelves. Delightful images!

I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it. I received no other compensation for this review. The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 30 August, 2013: Reviewed