Hiking Is Fundamental by Barbara Ann Kipfer

Hiking Is Fundamental

by Barbara Ann Kipfer

Part love letter, part invitation, Hiking is Fundamental is an informative celebration of hiking. Barbara Ann Kipfer covers all the basic elements of getting into hiking, from preparation to pacing, in simple, classic, fun, illustrated list-style chapters. This isn’t a technical manual—it’s an inviting overview that will demystify the whole hiking experience. For anyone intimidated to hit the trail, introductory chapters make the case for the benefits and fun to be had. Hiking is not exclusive to the wealthy, the athletic, or the experienced. It’s fun! And it’s for everyone.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally posted on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Hiking Is Fundamental is a well written and appealing guide with tips and information for getting outside and building up confidence to safely hike the great outdoors. Due out 1st Sept 2022 from Rowman & Littlefield, it's 232 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.

This is one of the Falcon Guides and for readers already familiar with the series, this entry, by Dr. Barbara Ann Kipfer, has a similar layout. The writing is easy to understand and accessible for beginners. The chapters are arranged thematically: an introduction covers a lot of the why and how including an overview of the benefits of hiking and engaging with nature, followed by types of hikes, preparation & planning, hiking skills & fitness levels, navigation, safety (VERY important info included here), and planning and compensating for weather and wildlife.

The info is written in accessible language in short easy to understand language in bullet points. Special tips and fun facts are posted in highlighted text boxes in the text with clear captions. The layout is graphically appealing, with high contrast text, clear margins, and simple line drawn illustrations.

The author has also included an abbreviated resources/bibliography/links list as well as a good glossary.

Five stars. This would be a good choice for public or school library acquisition, scouting and activity groups, or home library use.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 7 August, 2022: Reviewed