Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles

Perfect Chemistry (Perfect Chemistry, #1)

by Simone Elkeles

When wealthy, seemingly perfect Brittany and Alex Fuentes, a gang member from the other side of town, develop a relationship after Alex discovers that Brittany is not exactly who she seems to be, they must face the disapproval of their schoolmates--and others.

Reviewed by Amber on

5 of 5 stars

Have I ever told you how much I struggle when reviewing books that I’m in love with? It’s kind of like criticising the person who you’ve fallen head over heels for. It’s just not easy.

Perfect Chemistry is centred around Brittany Ellis and Alex Fuentes (*swoon*) who are partnered together in Chemistry class. The pair couldn’t be more different.

Brittany is a blonde, gorgeous cheerleader who is dating the school’s football captain and lives on the rich side of town.

Alex has all the typical dark features of a Mexican American, shares a tiny room with his two younger brothers and is a member of the local gang.

I loved both of them. They both had huge flaws, and they both hated the way they lived, yet kept that a tightly wrapped secret. For being complete opposites, they sure had a lot in common. I loved reading about their personal growth - which this novel was full of - and I loved reading about the growth of their relationship.

The typical good girl meets bad boy plot makes up the foundations of this book, but it is so much more than that. This is the ultimate love story. Think Romeo/Juliet, but ten times better - much more realistic and no suicide.

Simone Elkeles has one of the most compelling writing styles that I have ever read. It’s captivating and beautiful, and so thrilling that I was kept on the edge of my seat throughout the whole book. There’s no slow starts or filler scenes in this book!

I loved the fact that what she wrote was so realistic. She’s done her research into gang life, how Alex would have lived and what his status would have been in the gang. And the way that Alex and his friends spoke was brilliantly done - with so much Spanish thrown in! Some of you may already know how much I love the Spanish language, but if not then you’ll probably know now. I love it THIS *stretches arms out to both sides* much. Beautiful. I think that this is probably one of the more important factors which made me fall in love with Alex and this book. Yes, I’m obsessed.

Overall, this is an incredible book, and a must read for any young adult reader or blogger. I will honestly start begging you to read this if you haven’t already done so. Alice, I’m talking to you!

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  • Started reading
  • 27 January, 2011: Finished reading
  • 27 January, 2011: Reviewed