Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

KILLER is a case of where the blurb had me putting off reading this. For some reason, I had one impression of the hero of this book, but the whole book was so much more than I was expecting.

Keller Keating and Britton Reeves didn't know each other but one random act of violence at their private high school changed their lives forever. For Keller, that meant shedding the person he'd been to become a shell of a man who was only good in the middle of an MMA ring. Britt drew from her strength to prove to her parents and doctors that she could live a fulfilling life, even if the only place she felt safe was in a gym full of muscle-bound men.

Keller and Britt are survivors and what Heather C. Leigh gives us in a birds eye view on what these two survivors had to do in order to move forward with their lives. It's not pretty, but these two scrape together a way to live with what they went through. But it isn't until they find each other that the walls they had built start to come down and they begin to learn to rely on someone else.

This is one of those books that a reader truly needs to experience for themselves. Although categorized as a dark romance, I think it's a story of recovery. Given what these two went through, there were dark overtones. But I don't think it was really dark, but rather learning how to accept what happened, forgive what they can and move on. KILLER isn't a light-hearted read, but it definitely one I think readers should consider and pick up.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 March, 2016: Finished reading
  • 12 March, 2016: Reviewed