Playing for Keeps by Jill Shalvis

Playing for Keeps (Heartbreaker Bay, #7)

by Jill Shalvis

The seventh in New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis's Heartbreaker Bay series, featuring her trademark gift for humour, warmth and romance. Perfect for fans of Jill Mansell, Debbie Macomber, Nora Roberts and Marie Force.

If you're planning on falling in love you'd better be sure someone is there to catch you... When it comes to the confident, charismatic Caleb Parker, Sadie Lane feels the spark - the kind that comes from rubbing each other the wrong way. She's yoga pants, he's a suit. She's a tattoo artist, he's a straight-laced mogul. But after they accidentally co-rescue an abandoned...

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Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

I will openly admit to you right now, that I love Jill Shalvis' books. She always has the right balance of humor, steam, and warmth, with just enough heartbreak and drama to keep it interesting. The other thing I love about her companion series are the wonderful groups of found-family she creates, and that was definitely one of the draws for me when it came to the Heartbreaker Bay books.

This go around we have not ONE, but TWO heavily armored characters. Both Sadie and Caleb kept themselves emotionally detached. Though they sought this form of protection for different reasons, the results were the same - no successful romantic relationships. That was until a three legged dog changed their plans.

As I have grown to expect, Shalvis gave us a fun and adorable doggie meet-cute. Caleb and Sadie had actually known each other for a year or so, but they never really interacted until they decided to "co-parent" a stray dog, Lollipop. I won't lie, Lollipop endeared herself to me, and I loved what she brought out in Caleb and Sadie. She helped us see that softer side of Sadie, while clearly revealing that carefree and loving side of Caleb. It was so wonderful to see all three of them on-page together, and I loved the way Shalvis utilized an awesome dog to ignite this romance.

In case you couldn't already tell, Sadie and Caleb were sort of complicated. Sadie had a lot of pain in her past, which still overshadowed her present, and this made her weary of Caleb and his advances. Caleb had been taken advantage of in the past, and this made his sisters, who he lovingly referred to as "the coven", overprotective of him. Ghosts of their pasts and family drama of their present cause a few bumps in the road, but it was working through those things, that clearly showed these two belonged together.

Sadie was cool, fun, salty, and sassy, but I think it was Caleb, who made me love this story. Though he may have been sort of closed off to most of the world, he loved his inner circle fiercely. He was able to open his heart a lot quicker, than Sadie was, and he was also more vocal and demonstrative. Sadie was not an easy woman for him to love, and I really liked seeing him fight a little for her.
"You're not an easy woman, Sadie."
"I am a handful," she agreed, her pulse kicking into gear. "But that's why you have two hands."

One thing I got a little excited about was the mention, over and over again, of Caleb's cousin Kel. Kel is a character from the Animal Magnetism books, which I adored, and the way he kept coming up was making me think that we might get some crossover action (?). If that's where Shalvis' muse is leading her, I am wholly onboard.


I definitely got what I have come to expect from Shalvis: a great romance, that was heartwarming, funny, a little emotional, and a little hot. It was stacked with a hero and heroine, who were both interesting and complex, and who I grew to care about. And, don't forget the adorable dog.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • 12 January, 2019: Finished reading
  • 12 January, 2019: Reviewed