Caressed By Ice by Nalini Singh

Caressed By Ice (Psy/Changeling, #3)

by Nalini Singh

The author of Shards of Hope and Shield of Winter presents a Psy/Changeling novel in which two people who know evil intimately must unlock the good within their icy hearts…

As an Arrow, an elite soldier in the Psy Council ranks, Judd Lauren was forced to do terrible things in the name of his people. Now a defector, his dark abilities have made him the most deadly of assassins—cold, pitiless, unfeeling. Until he meets Brenna…

Brenna Shane Kincaid was an innocent before she was abducted—and had her mind violated—by a serial killer. Her sense of evil runs...Read more

Reviewed by Melanie on

4 of 5 stars

The Psy are starting to grow on me. I still enjoy the changelings a lot more. I can't wait to get to Hawk's book. I am reading mostly to get to his book. I really like him.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 September, 2010: Finished reading
  • 10 September, 2010: Reviewed