Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

I've been waiting for Cassius' story. I wanted to see how many Rachel VanDyken was going to make him likable and convince me that he wanted Stephanie. I'm so happy to say, she redeemed Cassius and I really enjoyed this story.

Cassius is the king of the immortal beings that live within the human realm. But when he broke one of the cardinal rules when he begged his father to help in save Stephanie (at the end of The Dark Ones). Now he's faced with 30 days as a human to not only train Stephanie on the ways of a Dark One, but also to have her fall in love with him. It doesn't seem like should be a hard thing to do, but with Cassius and Stephanie, they often operate as their own worst enemies.

Stephanie, who had been raised as a Siren but then discovers she's so much more, has been in love with Cassius for as long as she can remember, but she often times reads Cassius the wrong way. This surprised me quite a bit, because it seems obvious exactly how Cassius felt for her, but Stephanie spent a lot of time contemplating her own feelings and her hurt at being rejected by Cassius than to really understand what was happening.

Cassius was under the impression that he would never have a mate, so he was taken by surprise when he found he could act on the feelings he had for Stephanie. He didn't always go about expressing those feelings the right way, but considering he didn't think he'd have a mate, I could understand why he had such a hard time accepting that. Once he did, he was very quick in embracing those feelings. He became the alpha male hero that I enjoy and was more determined to make sure he helped Stephanie understand what she faces as a Dark One.

As with the first book, the secondary characters play a big part in the story. I love the dynamics between this group and how they've created an unlikely family. The sarcasm and jabs they take at each other make every interaction feel like you are with people who truly care for each other, which made me love them more.

I truly enjoyed UNTOUCHABLE DARKNESS and can't wait to see what the author will bring to us in Alex's story.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 27 December, 2015: Reviewed