Not in the Club by Janet Pucino

Not in the Club

by Janet Pucino

While a number of women have risen to top levels in corporate U.S. based organizations, statistically they are exceptions at the executive levels and in boardrooms. Even when women reach the uppermost echelons in business, they seldom become a member of?The Club? to which their male counterparts belong.?Not In The Club? provides an insightful look at the unique experiences of women in the workplace as they advance toward executive positions. Pucino candidly reflects on her journey through the management ranks of global companies and raises awareness for both men and women about the biases and behaviors that ultimately minimize women?s contributions and stifle their opportunities.

Reviewed by lex6819 on

5 of 5 stars

Perfect companion to Sheryl Sandberg's "Lean In" and the recently-released book "Feminist Fight Club."

This book is essentially a criminal-profile of traits shared by patriarchal sh*t-hole companies.

If you've ever worked for one, it's almost painful to read.

If you haven't worked for one, or if you are very new to the workforce, you should immediately familiarize yourself with how these companies operate, and the warning signs that you are in one.

Cut your losses early and often. If you are working for a company like the ones described in this book, you should only remain long enough to learn something new that you can use in your next position at *some other* company.

Don't hang around waiting for the corporate culture to change. Quit, but quit strategically, and don't waste your precious time in these places. You need to be an excellent manager of your own career, which means hoisting yourself out of the quicksand of patriarchal corporate life, and getting on with the business of YOU.

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  • 10 August, 2013: Reviewed