The Loving Touch by Dr. Andrew Stanway

The Loving Touch

by Dr. Andrew Stanway

Using straightforward language and illustrations, this book aims to strip away the doubt and misunderstanding that surround sexuality. It examines love-making - its purpose, its techniques and the momentous part it plays in human existence - and explains how the body and the emotions work, how to overcome the problems that can ruin even the most loving relationship, gives practical advice on how to become an expert in the art of intimacy, and answers questions on contraception, sexual diseases and alternative lifestyles.

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

This is a YA story, so it’s not going to be the vampire horror story you expect. There’s no vampire lust and limited blood here. Darren is a young boy who does young boy things... he plays soccer at lunch-time, he gets into trouble with his best friend, he covets a pet more than anything else... Until he has to make a more adult decision. His life, or his friend’s? I thought it was a good story (despite being a little heavy with exclamation points), and I’m going to read at least the next couple of books in the series to see where it goes.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 July, 2008: Finished reading
  • 21 July, 2008: Reviewed