Then I Met You by Matt Dunn

Then I Met You

by Matt Dunn

Dream date . . . or an absolute nightmare?

Lisa’s dated a series of disastrous men; Simon’s loved and lost the girl of his dreams. She’s hoping fate might intervene in her love life; he’d prefer that it stopped meddling with his.

Today, they’re meeting, courtesy of the local paper’s “Blind Date” feature—but while Lisa’s looking for that elusive “spark”, Simon’s sure lightning doesn’t strike twice. Will theirs be a love that’s written in the stars, or merely another mismatch written up in the Gazette?

From the bestselling author of At the Wedding comes a story of two perfect strangers who might just be perfect for each other.

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

Carpet Diem! This was an interesting look at what happens when two broken people get thrown together for a blind date that keeps getting extended for various reasons both of their own choosing and not. Fairly Hallmark Movie-ish, if one of the ones with a bit more drama to it. Funny without necessarily being gut-bustingly so, it works well for a tight yet plausible romantic dramedy. (The entirety of the actual story of the book takes place over just about 27 hrs or so.) A great palate cleanser after a dark book, this one is very much recommended.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 August, 2019: Finished reading
  • 5 August, 2019: Reviewed