Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

There are times in our lives when you may feel rubbish like really rubbish, whether it be in a relationship, a job, through illness, or through loss where you can’t see a way of things getting better. You have lost confidence, do not feel special anymore , maybe even wanting something you do not think you will be able to have. Abundance Triggers is a brilliant book to read, it is full of different techniques, exercises, meditation and quotes. Kanta Bosniak wrote this book with lots of compassion, she has helped me to realise that even from something bad that has happened you can make it good. Small steps using the tools in the book have helped me through a lot of things that have gone wrong in my life and that I have dwelled on for many years. I can now look positively at these things and feel good. I am now using the tools to help with grief. don’t concentrate on everything you didn’t succeed at in the past, think of everything you HAVE succeeded in.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 29 July, 2013: Reviewed