Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Let's face it. Taylor Brooks always writes an awesome M/M romance novel. I'm quickly becoming addicted to them. They're not long, drawn out books, but still, they're well written, the characters are always completely fleshed out, and the stories? Excellent!

Talon, a fisherman who also hires out his boat for tours, and Jace, the town doctor, are a couple, but they have some issues that they're desperate to overcome. That in itself is a great concept, but Ms Brooks also gives us a lot of action and mystery as well.

This is the fourth book in the "Rocky Mountain Manhunt". I admit that I've not read the first two (will be remedying that soon), but I have read the third. Thanks to that one, I know that there is a horrible evil on the loose in Absarokee, Montana. The FBI have come to town to help the sheriff's department end that evil. Both parts of the plot collide in an exciting climax.

"Tempting Talon" is a great book. The characters interact well with each other. The sex is hot and steamy. All in all it's a very satisfying read. I highly recommend it.

Reviewed by Kenna for Cocktails and Books

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  • 29 March, 2014: Reviewed