Reviewed by sstaley on

5 of 5 stars

I was very excited to read this book, but I never realized how deeply Randy Lindsay's experience would affect me and draw me into his story. This book is packed full of emotions that the reader feels right along with the author. The thought of finding out your father is not your biological father was nothing short but life-changing for the author. His personal story is delivered in a humorous but also very loving way. There were many moments when you realized how one little thing, such as a DNA test, could change so many lives. I also felt with certainty God's hand in bringing Randy to both of his families.

The Milkman's Son was so compelling that I had a terrible time putting it down so I could sleep. I felt the urgency as Randy's story unfolded and wanting to see him find his ancestors from the Lindsay side and his birth family. I also thoroughly enjoyed the great meet up when he met his New Jersey family. I wish I could spend time with them! What wonderful people to show such love and acceptance. I also felt love for his Arizona family for their continued love, support, and acceptance towards Randy.

I also have a DNA story to share, but mine hasn't progressed like the author's story. I was adopted and I've known that all of my life. I did my DNA test to find out how "Italian" I was because I already knew my birth mother was but knew nothing about my birth father. It was with great surprise to know that I'm 95% Italian(Sicilian), so now I know that both of my birth parents were Italian. My shock came when a match came through saying a certain man and I were identified as "Parent & Child". I have reached out to him but have heard nothing back. Many people are my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. cousins but I've only heard back from one. This has made me a little sad, but I know that not everyone's story turns out like Randy's miraculous story. I love my family that raised me and I grew up with. Still, I'm not giving up hope of finding out more about this Italian side of me.

I'm hoping that The Milkman's Son will get others interested in their family history and searching out unknown or lost family members. As from Randy's experience, you can see the great joy that comes to families when all works out and lives become fuller having found each other. I loved this book and it is getting a 5-star rating from me.

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  • 8 March, 2020: Finished reading
  • 8 March, 2020: Reviewed