Reviewed by Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

I've not read a historical romance in quite a while so was slightly nervous as to how Predestined Hearts would read. I've never read a duel genre book either but was intrigued as to how the contemporary and historical aspects would meld together. The result? A beautiful and amazing love story, leaving me with a lasting impression.

Ashlin Thomas and Gael Stowe are our hero and heroine from the contemporary storyline and their story is told from alternating POV. Ashlin is in Savannah for her beloved aunt Leelyn's funeral and the pair meet up when she has a meal at Gael's restaurant. As the pair get to know one another they discover that they have a common link. The connection is uncovered after Ashlin begins reading an old journal she's discovered that belongs to her great-great-great grandmother Sophia.
Sophia and Daniel are our historical couple, although there is far more to their story than we originally lead to believe, adding both sadness and intrigue.

I really don't want to spoil the enjoyment of this unique book by revealing more details about what happens. Both the nineteenth century and contemporary plots weave together seamlessly making the story flow effortlessly, creating a refreshing and heart-warming page turner. Each genre will have you crying tears for joy and sorrow, with heavy doses of angst, love and steamy scenes. Both nicely tied together with hope and everlasting love.

Both authors have done a fabulous job crafting something very special, exciting but more importantly memorable.

4½ Stars

***arc generously received in exchange for an honest review***

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  • Started reading
  • 1 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 April, 2015: Reviewed