Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

Love at High Tide is the perfect beach read, with its simplistic plot and fun, smexy characters. Coming in at around 46, 000 words I quickly devoured this, had a few laughs and got caught up in the sweet romance. Three word review: sweet, funny and romantic.

Darcy Trent has decided to spend the week with her best friend off the coast of Maryland, while she decides whether to accept a job in Africa. Feeling pressured by her ambitious parents a week of fun and sun at the beach is exactly what she needs. Reading books on the beach, sweet iced drinks, and spending time with her bubbly friend Trina. When she nearly drowns it is Cooper Hudson, a police officer who saves her. He is at the beach licking his wounds and reevaluating his life. The two feel a connection and the tale that unfolds is sweet, and sexy. The tale has a few twists for excitement as Trina practices her private eye skills on unsuspecting beach goers.

Darcy is such a likeable character and her best friend Trina sometimes stole the show with her one-liners and over the top enthusiasm for her new-found career choice. Cooper is delightful, smexy and totally enjoying the idea of a summer fling with Darcy. The more these two interact the deeper the attraction becomes. Trina’s target, an overweight Russian, wearing gold chains (can’t you just picture him on the beach) provides excitement and adds some suspense to the otherwise light and fluffy tale.

Love At High Tide is a light read, filled with gooey moments, a little heat and some drama thanks to Trina and her antics. The romance was all physical attraction but slowly began to deepen and I appreciated the realistic direction the author took. I absolutely adored Trina and she really stole the show in this book, so much so, that I would love to see a spin-off with her as a PI. I loved how Barth added suspense to the tale and offered the reader some tension. The story provides a few giggles and just enough heat to keep you engaged.

If you are looking for a feel good escape, then Love at High Tide will certainly deliver. I consumed this in about an hour, and enjoyed myself.

Copy received in exchange for unbiased review and originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 31 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 31 August, 2013: Reviewed