Tell Me More by Janet Mullany

Tell Me More

by Janet Mullany

Jo Hutchinson is obsessed with a man she's never seen – only heard.

Jo's late–night calls from the office to the mysterious 'Mr. D.' have grown increasingly intimate, until they finally become full–blown phone sex. Still, Jo doesn't dare meet him. Instead, she embarks on a series of sizzling sexual escapades with other men, sharing every sweaty moment with Mr. D afterwards, a passion–by–proxy arrangement they both get off on. But even as she's charting brave new naughty worlds, Jo knows that it's all really for Mr. D. Every pleasure she experiences – eagerly, athletically, vocally – is to please him.

Immersed in fantasy, reality just slips away – even the chance at that elusive combination of love and lust. Her new tenant Patrick, an Irish hunk–in–geek's clothing, is totally into her and in her lucid moments, Jo knows she feels the same. Can she tear herself away from her kinky dream–world long enough to appreciate what's right in front of her? Or has Mr. D ruined her for real life?

'Mullany pens an impressively compelling [story] full of humour and poignant irony.' Publishers Weekly

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

1 of 5 stars

Ever read a book where you thought "is anything else going to happen in this story besides XX?" That was the question I asked myself, repeatedly, while I forced my way through.

Jo Hutchinson is a night shift DJ at a radio station in Colorado . She's started a "relationship" with a mysterious caller named Mr. D, but refuses to meet him in person. Instead, she's taken to having phone sex with him and then describing,in great detail, her other sexual adventures.

Jo has quite a few adventurous. Let me give you a brief list:

Had sex with her ex live-in boyfriend as he stopped by to pick up his skiis
Had phone sex with Mr. D.
Has sex with intern at studio after getting caught having phone sex with Mr. D
Has sex in a park while on a lunch date with a guy she couldn't really stand
Had sex with lunch date guy and his married friends
Had sex with waiter at a restaurant in a private dining room while being interviewed for sex club
Had sex with multiple people at the sex club

When she's not having her adventures, she's getting to know her sexy Irish tenant, Patrick. They have a chemistry together and soon he's on her list of adventures.

I'm all for sex in a story, but it has to have a point. There didn't seem to be a point to Jo's rampant sex life, other than maybe her having a potential sex addiction. She flipped from guy to guy with ease, but had a problem with sex when it came to the one man, Patrick, that she was trying to have a serious relationship with.

I couldn't connect with her or even feel sorry for her when he little adventures came crashing down around her. I almost had to stand up and cheer, thinking she was finally getting what she deserved.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 August, 2011: Finished reading
  • 26 August, 2011: Reviewed