Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

I genuinely enjoyed reading A Guy, a Girl and a Voodoo Monkey Hand and I am becoming a big fan of D.I. Jolly. This book is a smorgasbord of genres and it was a hoot to read. When I was reading it, I thought of Dick Tracy but instead of being serious, this PI had a sense of humor….even when people were trying to kill him.

I truly liked Jones, even if he seemed to have a huge target on his back the entire book. He was a ladies man, had a thing for dark-haired women in tight red dresses, loved to drink and really liked jazz. He was also a softy. I mean, he protected Greg, a giant gorilla-like man who had the mind and soul of a child, and Sandra, the sister of the piano man of the bar that he used to go to. He also was one the few who were trying to protect Syn Island when everything went sideways.

I loved the action scenes in this book (and there were a lot of them). I have read a lot of romances lately and this book was a refreshing change of scenery for me.

The humor in this book was also a plus for me. I mean, a talking voodoo monkey hand named Jeff who talks with an English accent? I was rolling when he was talking to Jones and directing him on what to do. It was pretty funny. Plus, some of the situations he got himself into and the people he meets were pretty funny too.

Altogether, I really enjoyed the book. I liked that I got to see a seedier side of Syn Island than what was portrayed in the other books by D.I. Jolley. I am hoping that more books will be written with Jones in it.

How many stars will I give A Guy, a Girl and a Voodoo Monkey Hand: 4

Why: Memorable characters and a great plotline

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age Range: Adult

Why: Violence and language

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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  • Started reading
  • 27 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 27 June, 2017: Reviewed