Clear Water by Amy Lane

Clear Water

by Amy Lane

Meet Patrick Cleary: party boy, loser, and spaz. Patrick's been trying desperately to transform himself, and the results have been so spectacular, they've almost killed him. Meet Wes "Whiskey" Keenan: he's a field biologist wondering if it's time to settle down. When the worst day of Patrick's life ends with Whiskey saving it, Patrick and Whiskey find themselves sharing company and an impossibly small berth on the world's tackiest houseboat. Patrick needs to get his life together—and Whiskey wants to help—but Patrick is not entirely convinced it's doable. He's pretty sure he's a freak of nature. But Whiskey, who works with real freaks of nature, thinks all Patrick needs is a little help to see the absolute beauty inside his spastic self, and Whiskey is all about volunteering. Between anomalous frogs, a homicidal ex-boyfriend, and Patrick's own hangups, Whiskey's going to need all of his patience and Patrick's going to need to find the best of himself before these two men ever see clear water.

Reviewed by Bookbee on

Don't think I'll rate this yet. RL sorta blew up on me while reading this and that may have impacted on my enjoyment. I think I'll re-read it in a while and rate it then.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 19 November, 2012: Reviewed