Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

I have loved every book in the Easter’s Lilly series and The Lost Years is no exception. In Memoirs of a Mobster Diego Junior was the main character of the book and we were left wondering what happened in the years between the shooting at Max and Lilly’s new home and this book. Thankfully Mrs Serrano decided to tell us in The Lost Years, again it was from Jr’s point of view as a young teenager where he experienced love and heartache, killing, the cartel life as he knew it and fitting in at a new school where everyone called him Mafia Boy.
I really liked Jr he was pretty level-headed for a teenager boy, and for the life he had so far, he had quite a mixed up childhood due to his Mom Lilly falling in love with all of his uncles. He was a caring boy towards girls but when business needed sorting he would do it without hesitation. He was very similar to Max where it came to shooting someone he didn’t have a reaction time he just done it.
The relationship between Bri and Jr was blossoming well until she got sick and I felt so sad for them, at such a young age as well.
If you have liked the previous books in the Easter’s Lilly series you cannot miss this book, it fills in a lot of gaps.
Very well written as always and again I was completely hooked.

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  • 26 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 26 July, 2013: Reviewed