Reviewed by Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

I don't pick-up historical romance books very often but was drawn to read this one because of who the author is. I'm a fan of Sarah Hegger's contemporary romances so decided to try this medieval tale. Result? I'll definitely continue with the Sir Arthur's Legacy series, starting with book one -Sweet Bea.

It took a little while for me to get into this story; to become familiar with the writing style, language and characters. Once that was achieved, I was quickly turning the pages as the narrative became addictive and my interest in the protagonists increased.

Gregory comes across as a tortured soul. Torn between his love for Lady Faye and his calling to devote his life to God, we watch as he wrestles with his conscience even when the love of his life reciprocates his feelings.

As an abused wife, Lady Faye has always found solace in her relationship with dashing knight Gregory and was left heart-broken when he left for the monastery to take up his life long ambition to become a monk. When her eldest son is kidnapped, it is Gregory her family turn to, to help rescue him, re-awakening her attraction to the only man she's loved and can't have.

The mutual loyalty, devoting and love Gregory and Faye show for each other is both heart-warming and heart-breaking. Set at a time where family and duty take precedence over personal wants and desires, it is intriguing to follow the protagonists as they overcome the physical obstacles that lie in their wake, whilst wrestling with guilty consciences and pent-up lust! As I've come to expect from this author My Lady Faye is well written with the storyline flowing beautifully, keeping my attention throughout.


5 Stars

***arc generously received courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley***

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  • Started reading
  • 18 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 18 August, 2015: Reviewed