Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

When It Hits The Fan is the debut novel of author, Victoria Colotta. It shares the story of Camilla Valentini a young New Yorker with a plan. That is until she had the rug pulled out from beneath her and had to start redefining herself. Realistic, heartwarming and filled with friends and characters I would love to learn more about, this standalone novel delivered character growth, discovery and a touch of romance.

I met the author and fellow blogger through the Xoxperts advanced reader program and just had to try her first novel. When you read a book written by a friend, one is always a tad nervous, but I am delighted to say that I devoured When It Hits The Fan and enjoyed both the story and its characters.

In a lot of ways, I could relate to Camilla Valentini. All of her life, she had been a planner and list maker. While she was far more outgoing than I will ever be, Colotta brought her struggles to life and had me rooting for her. The story began with Camilla doing an interview for a television show where she was asked questions about her personal life. I loved how the author took us back five years and shared Camilla's answer.

Colotta brought her character's journey to life by sharing the bumps and discoveries that redefined her. In one fell swoop, Camilla lost her home and the job that was all part of her ten-year plan. You would think the story would have depressing tones to it, and while Camilla faced some dark moments, there was light from within and from her friends. The story had a realistic feel to it, and I enjoyed seeing Camilla begin to piece herself back together. It was refreshing to see a woman find her own path.

Her friends were genuine, and we were introduced to two men who had a positive impact on her life. Don't worry folks there wasn't a triangle here, but there was a sweet romance served as a side. I loved their interaction, banter, and chemistry. Even though the romance wasn't the focus, it only added to the story and was just one thread in Camilla's move to redefine herself on her own terms.

When It Hits The Fan offered a well-developed story that provided a nice balance of humor and heart. Well done Colotta, well done!

Copy provided by author This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 14 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 14 November, 2016: Reviewed