Reviewed by Charli G. on

4 of 5 stars

I’m going to come right out and say it. I haven’t really been a big fan of the contemporary romance genre for quite a while. I suppose it is because in many cases, the books have such shallow characters that it’s just no fun to read the books. But that certainly is not the case with Shattered Pieces.

Although I haven’t read In Pieces, I was easily able to fall into the world of a woman who is in love with her Denver Bronco best friend and doesn’t quite know it at first. A woman who’d been hurt badly in the past and has no idea that her best friend has been hurt just as badly or that he’s in love with her!

Yes, there is a mention of football. No, you don’t need to understand anything about football or be a football fan to enjoy the story. In fact, there’s not much talk of actual football so you don’t have to worry that you’ll be out of the loop. Just know that Colton is a Denver Bronco and you’re good!

The story is light-hearted enough that it makes for a quick and fun read. And it helps to have songs by artists I love (We are Harlot) being mentioned in the story. I have to say, this one was really good and I’d love to read In Pieces and the next story as well!

Trust me, the ending of this one will leave you wanting more!

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  • Started reading
  • 8 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 8 November, 2015: Reviewed