How to Drop a Class (and Fall in Love) by Lisa Brown Roberts

How to Drop a Class (and Fall in Love)

by Lisa Brown Roberts

Seventeen-year-old Darcy Covington doesn't know the difference between a pawn shop and a thrift shop. Even her dog eats gourmet food, so she's totally unprepared when her car is repossessed from the parking lot of her elite private school. Turns out her father, a semi-famous motivational speaker, has skipped town, abandoning his family while his business collapses. Desperate to sell her expensive jewellery for much-needed cash, Darcy discovers that her dad's brother runs a funky thrift shop on a street full of eccentric characters, including a coffee shop owner named Liz and one supremely hot fix-it guy named Lucas. Darcy finds some solace hanging out with her uncle and Lucas in the thrift shop and working in Liz's coffee shop, while the rest of her life falls apart. The time she spends with the uber hot Lucas helps takes her mind off her family's troubles, even though she's sure he's only nice to her because he works for her uncle, especially when she meets the cover girl beauty she thinks he's dating. Can Darcy find the courage she needs to adapt to the necessary changes brought about by her family's drastically reduced lifestyle?
And will she open her eyes to the amazing realization that Lucas wants much more than friendship from her?

Reviewed by bookishzelda on

How Not to Fall in Love is a great contemporary about a girl who has lost everything and has to find a way to put her life back together. Discovering things about herself along the way.

The plot is definitely different. Darcy’s dad is a big time Motivational Speaker who suddenly disappears, leaving his company and family in a tight spot. Starting with Darcy having her car towed in the school parking. They quickly start falling from grace and their lives completely change. Darcy hold out hope that her dad will come back while her mom loses herself. It was great how it drove the plot. We are able to see Darcy change and grow, while also seeing different sides of people. There are the gossips and the critics and the supporters. It’s true, when you go through a crisis your true friends really shine through.

I liked Darcy even though at times she was a little too stubborn. I know how it is to have something happen where your coping mechanism is to push through just keep handling business. I could feel her stress driving her while I was reading. She learns so much about herself it was nice to see her grow. I also like that she never loses faith in her dad. I’m not sure how I would react if I was in the same situation.

Lucas is of course a perfect book boyfriend. I love that Darcy makes fun of him for having a Lancelot concept and often explains to him that she can save herself.

I love the setting and the other characters. I want to go work at Liz’s coffee shop! Then peruse the thrift store. I think this is the first time I’ve ever been so engrossed in a contemporary setting.

The romance is a nice slow burn. They become friends first and find themselves all flirty and attracted to one another. I really liked how it all developed. The knowing looks from Liz and Charlie. The interference from Pickles and even the other woman. Gasp. I actually like the addition of Heather, it makes more sense for Lucas then him roaming around without anybody. I just really liked how it all developed.

It’s really interesting how things shake out. I liked the periodic news stories to kind of fill in what the world outside is thinking of Harvest downfall. I don’t want to give anything away but I was pretty satisfied with how things were wrapped up.

I really enjoyed the book and absolutely loved the setting!! I was happy to see the romance develop slowly and naturally. Darcy is definitely a character you can root for.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 February, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 February, 2015: Reviewed