Find Me by Tiffany Snow

Find Me (Corrupted Hearts, #3)

by Tiffany Snow

As the head of the government’s secret Vigilance spy program, computer guru China Mack already has her hands full when her billionaire boyfriend, Jackson Cooper, asks for one of them in marriage.

Thrown for a loop by the sudden proposal, China’s usually well-ordered life takes another hit when someone tries to assassinate the president. Even that comes with a shocking twist: the primary suspect is none other than her ex-partner, Clark Slattery. With nowhere else to turn, the sexy loner needs China’s help and expertise. Clark has linked the assassination attempt to a failed secret operation undertaken six years ago—and a deadly cover-up that’s putting the leader of the free world in the crosshairs. But the president isn’t the only one in harm’s way.

Now, China is going to have to dig deep for information that’s beyond even her clearance. And what she discovers may have far-reaching consequences for her life and everyone else in it.

Reviewed by Lynn on

3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

This third instalment of the Corrupted Hearts series picks up three months on from the end of Break Me as we dive straight into the fast pace of this third novel in the Corrupted Hearts series.

An event that should have made China the happiest woman on the planet is overshadowed as her career takes priority over her private life. She isn't happy about the direction her work has taken her and Jackson and Clark are both vying for her too. Whilst I've become more tolerant of her 'over the top' fandom obsession, she's showing a side of her personality I don't care for. Her attitude towards the men in her life is disdainful as she struggles with the pressures and expectations from every aspect of her life.

Both Jackson and Clark are likeable and gorgeous...China is a lucky girl. However, for me the reader, I'm overcome with the feeling I've been introduced to these fine male specimens before. One is a man who's too good to be true and a perfect match for the heroine. The other is edgier, a bad boy. A guy worthy of a woman's fantasy? Maybe that's why I have no opinion or preference as to who will secure China's heart because I already have a hunch who she'll choose?

Mia is the light within the darkness and her bright, bubbly personality is a welcome presence and an entertaining contrast to a love triangle that has lost my interest. I'm thankful, the suspense element of this novel keeps me enthralled as it always does with this author's novels.

My thoughtsAfter reading Break Me, the second book, I made a note of where I thought this love triangle would end after the final instalment in a trilogy. Now we know there's a fourth book in the works. Despite that, China, Jackson and Clark are exactly where I predicted they'd be because I feel I've read something similar before...there have been too many triggers along the way to serve as a reminder. It's been a huge distraction and the main reason why my focus on the narrative has been inattentive. I'm disappointed I'm not fully engaged in the characters in this Corrupted Hears series because I'm reminded and reminiscing about unrelated ones I'm already familiar with...this goes beyond the cameo appearances within this series. The protagonists and the setting are unalike, as is the narrative but the structure seems to be following a pattern I've experienced before. I've had this nagging feeling since Follow Me and it's gotten stronger with each instalment.

With the scene set for book four, I'll be back to find out China, Jackson and Clark's destiny, secretly hoping my gut feeling with regards to the ending is wrong and Ms. Snow delivers a grand and shocking finale I know she's capable of.

***arc generously received courtesy of Montlake Romance via NetGalley***

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  • Started reading
  • 20 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 20 August, 2017: Reviewed