The Best Birdhouses for Your Backyard by Michael Berger

The Best Birdhouses for Your Backyard

by Michael Berger

This title contains 13 birdhouse projects suitable for more than 25 species of wild birds. No complex tools are needed and most projects are designed to be completed in a day or a week-end. It also discusses predator guards, entrance hole placement and dimension and wildlife-friendly finishes.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

When I bought my house a couple years ago, it was purchased with a large lot of undeveloped woods adjoining the house. I have always enjoyed having wildlife around and feeding and watching the birds has become a huge source of enjoyment for me.

I decided to expand my birdwatching activities by providing more varied foods, increasing the wild garden areas and actively providing more water sources and nesting shelters. The only problem was that I am not currently in possession of a large or well equipped woodworking area in the garage.

This book provides 13 tutorials arranged roughly in order of complexity which cover a number of suitable houses for a wide variety of common species. None of the designs require exotic woods or difficult/expensive tools or other materials. Everything is easily sourced. These plans were usable for a relative newbie like me.

I enjoyed making these and even better, the birds seem to approve of my amateurish early attemps. They're being used and that really makes me happy.

This would be a suitable activity for scout groups or family crafting weekends and possibly even a library summer activity. Really well photographed and understandable.

Four stars

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  • Started reading
  • 11 April, 2019: Finished reading
  • 11 April, 2019: Reviewed