Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

Oh My God…Where’s my FRENZY?

***Could be spoilerish if you haven't read the previous installments in the series. Best to be read in order***

I started Divine Ecstasy a little uncertain how this one would go. I mean, instead of a grumble bum Guardian finding their mate, it was a stubborn and horny God who was mating the nicest and sweetest Guardian of the bunch. Kind of seemed like a mismatch. Especially considering we’d seen the horny side of Hades (God) getting it on with a harem of women in Searing Ecstasy. Hades, LOVES women. How was a dirty horn bag like him going to become a devoted, loving and loyal mate? Sacha (Guardian) had a blast…not the good kind. She’s in a coma for weeks and wakes to find things a wee bit different. The biggest difference is that a God has the hots for her in a BIG way.

On the Guardians last mission, the very evil Apollo (God) is on the loose. In their attempts to recapture him, a portal opens up from another world and whisks the God away. When the Guardians decide to wake a good God, Hades, to help find Apollo, things go a little haywire. First of all, this portal that opened up brought warriors with weapons that they struggled against. These buggers were not playing nice. Hades knows all about this other world and has to come clean to his son P with some truths he kept from him. All of these problems, explanations and situations are a bit confusing.

See, even writing this review is confusing me. Let me break it down…Hades is a good God. He has a son Pothos (or something like that, better known as P) who being the son of a God is a demi-God. Hades, as we’ve previously covered, likes the chicks. If he’s not ordering people about (because he’s a God) he’s in bed with a bunch of God groupies. He has a special ability with souls and was able to help Drake’s mate, Delia/Era, who was on a path of self-destruction. Drake kind of owes him now. Anyways…Hades is walking (swaggering) around shirtless and wings flapping when an overwhelming smell draws him in. You got it…FRENZY!!! Unfortunately, gods don’t “do” frenzy like the rest. There’s is “special”. He demands his mate wakes up…does a little Abracadabra, Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo, she awakes and before he can jump his mate, Drake and Po drag his ass away. So there’s Hades story up till Sacha.

Sacha has a pretty yucky history. She was a slave to the bad God’s including Apollo, so to wake up and find out that her destined mate is a God…does not leave her with warm and fuzzies. She’s a practical chick though and knows there is no getting out of mating. The funny thing is, Hades is actually really sweet. From their first meeting, their connection is strong. When her memories from her bad times pop up at an awkward moment (THE HEAT IS ON!) she puts the breaks on and Hades gets told to back off for 5. As I said, she’s a practical chick and realises that the outcome is inevitable. Once she’s nutted it out with her fellow Guardian girlfriends, she calls him back and the music starts…and goes on…and on…and…oh my lordy…wings out…in the sky…he can do that??? I think it’s one of those myths smutty readers everywhere will believe for like 2 seconds (hello, having sex while riding a horse???) before the technicalities and the disbelief come crashing in. But to think that could happen was PRETTY DAMN HOT!! He is a God after all…maybe HE could.

So, the Guardian’s now have a God on staff and one of the Guardian’s now has God powers….COOL!! But, they’re going to need all the help they can get. The evil Tria are getting messages to Hades, warning of darkness taking over the world. Alyssa’s baby is growing a wee bit faster than they thought it would and matings are happening left, right and centre. We’re heading for SOMETHING!!!

Jeez P…did you have to go to the lake again…looks like its FRENZY time!!!

I received a complimentary copy of Divine Ecstasy via the author for an honest review.

To buy Divine Ecstasy from Amazon -

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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  • Started reading
  • 4 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 4 February, 2016: Reviewed