Lucy Loves Sherman by Catherine Bailey

Lucy Loves Sherman

by Catherine Bailey

Recipient of the 2018 Florida Authors & Publishers Association (FAPA) Book Awards
  • Silver Medal in Children's Picture Book ages 0-7
  • Gold Medal in Children's Picture Book ages 5-9
  • Silver Medal in Florida: Children's Picture Book ages 0-7

    Recipient of a silver IPPY Award for Best Illustrated Children's Picture ebook!

    Girl meets lobster. Girl loves lobster. But can girl save lobster?

    That’s the question at the center of this sweet and sassy picture book about Lucy, her shell-y friend Sherman, and the seafood-loving town they inhabit.

    Lucy loves Sherman from the moment they meet at Flotsam’s Fish Market. Oh sure, he’s an eighteen-pound, eighty-year-old crustacean, but he’s also polka dotted. And blurble-y. And he smells like the ocean! Unfortunately, Nana is not hooked on the idea of a pet lobster.

    Things only get worse when Lucy meets Chef Pierre and discovers that Sherman’s fate is on a plate! She must rescue Sherman, even if it means getting into hot water with all the grownups. So Lucy takes action. But will the efforts of one little girl be enough to save Sherman from the bib and butter?

    As humorous as it is inspiring, Lucy Loves Sherman explores an unlikely, yet utterly charming friendship, and the challenge and thrill of finding your voice and being an activist.
  • Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

    4 of 5 stars

    LUCY LOVES SHERMAN by Catherine Bailey was a delightful story about a young girl and her request for an unusual pet. Beautifully illustrated by Meg Walters my granddaughter and I delighted in this tale about a young girl's adventure to save an eighty-year-old lobster she befriends. With its colorful pages, Bailey reminds adults of that time they wanted an impossible pet. For me, it was a hippopotamus, and my youngest desperately wanted a dolphin. Bailey uses this desire to share the power of finding a cause and making a difference. I loved how word of mouth and media helped Lucy save Sherman. The tale was funny, cute and uplifting all while teaching valuable lessons. Its simple text and colorful imagery will hold young readers attention. Be warned, though, they will probably want to keep a lobster in your bathtub!

    Age Range: 3 - 6 years
    Grade Level: Preschool - Kindergarten

    Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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    Reading updates

    • Started reading
    • 1 April, 2017: Finished reading
    • 1 April, 2017: Reviewed