Experiment with Outdoor Science by Nick Arnold

Experiment with Outdoor Science (Steam Ahead)

by Nick Arnold

Science isn’t limited to the classroom – it can be found out in the garden! This photographic book of experiments and projects covers covers chemical reactions, states of matter, microbiology and much more – all with materials and equipment that can be found at home.

The STEAM Ahead series shows readers that science isn’t limited to the classroom – it can be found out in the garden, cooked up in the kitchen and brought to life with paper and paints! Each book features clear, step-by-step instructions and has a fresh, contemporary design, with an emphasis on fun, achievable experiments to give kids hands-on experiences. The science behind each experiment is explained, giving readers the theory behind the practical activities.

Titles in the series include:
STEAM Ahead: Experiment with Kitchen Science
STEAM Ahead: Experiment with Outdoor Science
​STEAM Ahead: Experiment with Art
STEAM Ahead: Experiment with Engineering

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Experiment with Outdoor Science is an accessible science-based STE(A)M experiment collection aimed at younger readers. Due out 17th March 2020 from Quarto on their QEB imprint, it's 80 pages and will be available in hardcover format.

These are 30 very simple experiments using easily sourced materials, which are generally safe and illustrative. A short introductory chapter is followed by experiments grouped roughly by discipline: kinetics/movement, physical chemistry/mixtures, plant science, zoology, sky & space. The experiments are easy to follow and safe. Safety tips are highlighted with a red triangle and an exclamation point in a sidebar. Tips and tricks are also included in sidebars. Measurements are provided in the instructions in American standard and metric.

Each of the experiments includes tools and supplies list in a sidebar along with step by step instructions. There are tutorial photos as well as line drawn diagrams and pictures for each of the activities along with some very simple explanations of the theory. The book also includes a glossary and index.

Four stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 9 March, 2020: Finished reading
  • 9 March, 2020: Reviewed