Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

This little book is a perfect size for my toddler to handle. We love the TV show Kipper and to be able to enjoy a little story book with four stories about four animals interacting during various points in Jesus' life is very fun. Each story is short enough for a story any time and we found that reading two was just right before bed. The illustrations are very adorable and pleasant to view. Having each story narrated by the animals provides either a great introduction to the life of Jesus or a great refresher in a new way to hear the story again. While I think my 17 month old is most taken with this series, my 3.5 year old likes them as well. I look forward to jumping into [b:Favorite Parables from the Bible: Stories Jesus Told|16182690|Favorite Parables from the Bible Stories Jesus Told|Nick Butterworth||22087981].

*Thanks to Zondervan for providing a copy for review.*

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  • 11 January, 2013: Reviewed