Ultimatum by Susan Kearney


by Susan Kearney

If Lara doesn't make love soon, her cells will fail to regenerate and she'll die. Unfortunately, her only option is an enemy, Rystani starpilot Xander, her abductor and a member of the race who has been battling hers since the beginning of time. Insufferably smug, Xander issues an ultimatum: He'll make love to Alara only if she will use her psi talent of identifying DNA to help him find the cure for the deadly Terran virus spreading across the galaxy. Alara is trapped. She gives Xander what he wants and gets what she needs. But, Alara holds a pair of secrets: the more they make love, the more Alara's cells adapt to Xander's body, until the only person she can make love with is him and the more time they spend together, the more Alara's loves Xander. When it seems that all the forces in the universe have aligned against them, can Alara trust Xander with her life and her heart.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

While parts of this story over-exercised my eyebrow, there were also parts that worked.

If Alara doesn't make love regularly, her cells will fail to regenerate and she will die. If she has sex regularly with the same man she becomes dependent on him to live. She's researching a method of stopping this dependency for her race.

She has been kidnapped by Xander, a member of a race that has been battling her race for ages. Xander wants her help in identifying a virus that's been killing humans across the galaxy. What the two of them don't realise is that they have to work together to find this cure. While they're supposed to be enemies they're finding themselves attracted.

I do have some issues with some of the concepts behind the story, and there are moments where it feels like the story is being forced along rather than flowing and that the plot is there to ensure that the characters get the maximum amount of sex in.

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  • 18 October, 2009: Reviewed