The Last Boyfriend by Nora Roberts

The Last Boyfriend (Inn at Boonsboro Trilogy, #2)

by Nora Roberts

A shared past, a fresh start, and a lifetime of love ...Owen Montgomery is a busy man. He and his brothers, Beckett and Ryder, are working day and night to build an intimate Bed and Breakfast in his hometown. Owen is the organiser of the Montgomery clan, and while his brothers tease him for his compulsive list making, they have to admit that Owen has ensured the Inn BoonsBoro is about to open right on schedule. The only thing Owen didn't plan for was Avery McTavish ...Avery's popular pizza place is right across the street from the inn, giving her a first-hand look at its amazing renovation - and a newfound appreciation for Owen Montgomery. Owen was her first boyfriend, when they were kids, and he's never been far from Avery's thoughts. But the attraction she's feeling for him now is far from innocent. As Avery and Owen cautiously take their relationship to another level, the opening of the inn gives the whole town of Boonsboro a reason to celebrate. But Owen's hard work has only just begun. Getting Avery to let down her guard is going to take longer than he expected - and so will getting her to realise that her first boyfriend is going to be her last ...

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

The Last Boyfriend is the second novel in the Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy by Nora Roberts. Set in Maryland these small town tales share the lives of the Montgomery brothers and their women. In this installment we learn Owen and Avery’s story. Filled with romance, a ghost and small town characters that you will come to love, this novel is sure to delight the romance lover in you. While Roberts does a great job of making sure each book can be read as standalone, I recommend reading them in order. New to this series? Check out my review of book one The Next Always here.

The Montgomery boys are almost ready to open the inn and have been working on the renovations to Beckett’s house in anticipation of his wedding to Clare. Hope the new Inn keeper moves in and Lizzy the resident ghost makes several appearances. She pushes Avery and Owen together and they share a steamy kiss. Both are shocked and afterwards things are awkward when Owen keeps saying, “ Okay.” Owen's mother surprises him and I got quite a few chuckles from it. Avery is dealing with her own issues and dreams of opening a pub. The romance is sweet and a bit complicated but in typical Roberts fashion it was sweet and enjoyable.

I adore the Montgomery boys, they are all swoon-worthy hard working, mama love men and are drop dead gorgeous. Each has a unique personality that compliments the others and they make a perfect team. I have grown to care for the Avery, Hope and Claire. They are each independent, trustworthy and have each others back. Avery is hard working, kind and has big dreams. She has her trust issues and Owen may be the one to help her find her happily ever after. I adore Mama Montgomery she is one wise and feisty woman who had me laughing at the way she handles her boys. The ghost Lizzy is a neat twist to this trilogy and we learn more about her past life and the inn. I am looking forward to what we discover next. The role she plays in connecting each couple is sweet.

The tale itself fell a little flat for me, while the romance was sweet, I didn’t get completely swept away. There were some twists and complications but it lacked that rush. Even though I knew I would get my happy ending, it didn't have that page turning gripping drama that Roberts usually delivers. There were a few surprises and a couple anxious moments between them, but it lacked that special something-something. I did like the information about Lizzy and have no qualms about recommending this or continuing the series.

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  • 3 May, 2012: Finished reading
  • 3 May, 2012: Reviewed