Rapunzel's Revenge by Ms. Shannon Hale, Dean Hale

Rapunzel's Revenge

by Ms. Shannon Hale and Dean Hale

Escaping from the enchanted tree where Mother Gothel imprisoned her, Rapunzel sets off alone through the ghost towns and Badlands of Gothel's Reach. She is determined to find Gothel's Villa and teach Mother Gothel a long-overdue lesson for her years of treachery and lies, and help her real mother get out of the mine camps where Mother Gothel has kept her enslaved. Rapunzel's adventures take her across a country much akin to the Wild Wild West, where she is soon wanted - dead or alive - for horse thieving, kidnapping, jail breaking and using her hair in a manner other than nature intended! In this highly original take on the familiar story of Rapunzel, Shannon and Dean Hale introduce us to a feisty and dynamic heroine and Nathan Hale's illustrations offer a striking visual feast, ensuring this is a truly unforgettable reading experience.

Reviewed by Silvara on

4 of 5 stars

Check out my other reviews, discussions and link ups at Fantasy of the Silver Dragon.

I had no idea this was some kind of comic strip/graphic novel mix when I requested the book from the library. And now after reading it, I can't imagine the story having been told any other way!

I loved getting to see Rapunzel use her hair as weapons, as well as see the characters and obstacles she had to overcome. Reading it on my Kindle, I have no idea if the pages were colored, but it worked really well in black/white/grey.

This book was really fun to read, had a number of funny moments, and I loved the Old West twist. The only complaint I can think of, is how fast Rapunzel went from finding out her mother wasn't her actual mother, to loving her birth mother and wanting to rescue her. And even that doesn't really bother me!

Oh! Jack didn't grow on me at first. I could tell there was romance ahead, but he seemed like such a tricky thief type character. He didn't fit with Rapunzel. And then we got to know him better, and he started showing other parts of his personality and really becoming friends with Rapunzel. By the end of the book not only had Rapunzel learned a lot and grown along the way, but so had Jack.

If you like retellings with a lot of humor and unexpected twists, you should try this book.

This review was originally posted on Fantasy of the Silver Dragon

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  • Started reading
  • 5 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 August, 2015: Reviewed