The Last Bride in Ballymuir by Dorien Kelly

The Last Bride in Ballymuir (Ballymuir, #1)

by Dorien Kelly

Steeped in the age-old beauty and traditions of Ireland, Dorien Kelly's enchanting contemporary novel transports readers to a picturesque Irish village where passions run deep...Miss Kylie "Soon-to-Be-a-Saint" O'Shea teaches at the Gaelic school, helps her neighbors and volunteers for every good cause. No one in Ballymuir can figure out why she keeps the interested lads at bay but they all warn her that she's in danger of fulfilling a local legend: becoming the last bride in Ballymuir. When a stranger named Michael Kilbride comes to the village wild rumors surround his every move. But Kylie, captivated by Michael's intense...Read more

Reviewed by clairelm on

4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this tale. It's not my usual sort of book and yes, it was a bit cliché in places but it was definitely a great story.

I found myself growing to like the characters, I think my favourites were the twins.

Definitely a recommended book.

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  • Started reading
  • 31 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 31 May, 2015: Reviewed