Reviewed by Sarah Says on

5 of 5 stars

Davey is still trying to hide his sexually and Adam is out and owning it. Their eyes meet across the footy pitch and right from the start there is chemistry between them.

Adam invites Davey around to his place where they bond over football, video games and their love of Doctor Who. Yes, that's right, both boys are Whovians! I loved that little touch.

Davey's favourite doctor is Matt Smith and Adam's is David Tennant, but they move past this for a steamy yet sweet first make out session.

Davey holds off coming out from fear of how his team mates will react and because of this he nearly loses Adam, who was burnt by a past secret relationship. Davey comes out and while he and Adam do face some hate, for the most part the friends and family around them are supportive of their relationship - so a big YAY for that. I love a seeing positive examples.

Conclusion: Defensive Play was a quick and cute read that follows Davey as he gets his first boyfriend and comes out to his family and friends. I really enjoyed it and can see myself reading more from Jamie Deacon.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 February, 2019: Finished reading
  • 15 February, 2019: Reviewed