Contaminated by Em Garner

Contaminated (Contaminated)

by Em Garner

"Velvet fights for her family's survival after a widespread contamination turns a segment of the population, including her mother, into ultra-violent zombie-like creatures"--

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

Contaminated has to be my favorite zombie novel thus far! It's not really zombies, but kind of zombies, but not really. I know you've all heard that before, but it's true. The "zombies" are called the Contaminated, because they've contracted something from contaminated protein water. Some company started producing this new water that would help people lose weight, like so many companies before it. Well, this one worked and the demand greatly outpaced the supply. A slip in quality resulted in something going wrong, and the people who were guzzling this water down changed. They shuffle about and have poor impulse control. Now there are collars to keep them docile, so they can return to their families if they're wanted. Velvet picks up her mother, but the situation is not one she could have prepared for.

I was completely enraptured with Contaminated from the first chapter. Velvet was strolling through "the kennels" to find her mother. It was horrible. Then she finds her and has to go through this awful training video on how to care for her, since she won't be able to do most things for herself. Velvet is adamant that her mother return home to her and her sister, so she'll do whatever it takes. She works in an assisted living facility so she knows how to help those who can't do for themselves, but she quickly learns that it's not at all the same when it's someone you care about. I felt so bad for Velvet and Opal, since absolutely nothing goes right after their mother returns home. The only flicker of hope that they have is the occasional reaction and recognition from their mother who is supposedly never going to recover.

Of course, Velvet and Opal can't just have their mother back and live happily ever after even if she doesn't seem to be as bad off as other "Connies". The government and scientists are up to something. Laws are constantly changing. There are soldiers in the streets picking off anyone who looks remotely suspicious. Those collars may not be working how they're suppose to and actually might be posing a danger to Velvet's mother rather than helping her. There are house raids, and the world is just in chaos. That ending was amazing! I need to know what comes next!

I really enjoyed Contaminated. As far as almost-zombie novels go, this is certainly one of the best. It's not all action packed and gruesome, and it's not scary. It's more heartbreaking and fascinating than anything else. This book needs a lot more love than it's getting!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 3 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 3 December, 2014: Reviewed