Creative Alcohol Inks by Ashley Mahlberg

Creative Alcohol Inks (Art for Modern Makers)

by Ashley Mahlberg

Pour and paint your way to stunning fluid effects. In Creative Alcohol Inks, artist and Instagrammer Ashley Mahlberg of @inkreel shares step-by-step techniques for creating spontaneous, organic effects with this vibrant transparent medium.
  • Get an overview of essential materials, substrates, and finishes.
  • Explore techniques for applying alcohol inks, such as pouring, creating texture, lifting, masking, adding embellishments, and more.
  • Learn helpful troubleshooting tips and tricks.
  • Use what you’ve learned to create one-of-a-kindartworks and stylish projects
Find your creative flow with Creative Alcohol Inks!

Perfect for creative beginners, the books in the Art for Modern Makers series take a fun, practical approach to learning about and working with paints and other art mediums to create beautiful DIY projects and crafts.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Creative Alcohol Inks is a tutorial and project guide to making art using alcohol based inks by Ashley Mahlberg. Due out 21st Jan 2020 from Quarto on their Quarry imprint, it's 144 pages and will be available in paperback format.

The format is logical and easy to follow. The introductory sections include a good discussion of tools and supplies, different brands of inks and blending media, and substrates (papers, boards, other surfaces). The author also includes a solid section on safety and workspace preparation and layout. It's so important to work safely and it's nice to see that she didn't skimp on this important part of the process.

The next chapters cover basic techniques, some color & composition theory, and finishing techniques. I found the spontaneity and unexpected reactions of the inks on the surface are very modern looking and appealing. Due to the nature of the medium, pieces can also be intentionally coordinated with furnishings and interiors and changed as needed.

The final chapter includes 12 appealing project tutorials with easy to follow, clearly written instructions and step by step photographs. In fact, the photography throughout is abundant and in full color, which added a lot to the overall value of the book for me. (I'm very much a visual learner).

Five stars. Well made clearly written and appealing. The best book I've personally seen for the technique. This would make a superlative choice for a maker space or personal artist library.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 5 January, 2020: Reviewed