A Christmas Home by Marta Perry

A Christmas Home (Promise Glen, #1)

by Marta Perry

National bestselling author Marta Perry captures the spirit of Christmas in this first novel of her all new series set in the quaint Amish community of Promise Glen.

After ten years spent keeping house and raising her younger siblings, Sarah Yoder returns home to Promise Glen determined to make a fresh start. Her new job with neighbor Noah Raber's furniture business seems promising—until she and the woodworker clash over everything from the best way to reach new costumers to how to raise his mischievous six-year-old twin boys.

Though Sarah longs for a home of her own, she fights the appeal of this ready-made family, resolved to maintain a professional distance. But when she and Noah both agree to help with the school's annual Christmas program, Sarah finds her heart touched by the motherless boys and Noah's quiet strength. Thrown together at work and at the school, their feelings continue to grow, and Sarah struggles to keep Noah at arms' length.

Loving Noah may seem impossible, but with faith, love, and a little help from their close-knit community, there may yet be a Christmas home for them both.

Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

A sweet Christmas romance

My rating is 4.5 stars

I truly can’t help it. Honestly, I didn’t try very hard. I completely fell in love with Mark!

You don’t need to re-read the synopsis, you didn’t miss anything there. The hero’s name really is Noah. And there isn’t another guy in the picture for Sarah. Unless you count Matty and Mark, Noah’s adorable sons. Matthew is cute with his “boy-sterous” energy and outgoing personality but Mark is the one who captured my heart. Took it for ransom and won’t give it back. This sensitive, shy child with his openhearted trust in Sarah. Talk about a heart-melting sweetness! Each time he leaned against Sarah, taking comfort in her kindness and understanding. . .

I was surprised to find out the reason for Noah’s boys not having a mother. It was a complication that I hadn’t expected. I don’t believe in giving spoilers so I’ll just say that it was a doozy!

I really appreciated Sarah’s take-charge-but-don’t-bulldoze-over-everyone attitude. Her heart was tender and kind, which is why she was so determined to help.

Noah had been deeply hurt and didn’t feel he had anyone to share his burdens. He struggled with anger as a result of the suppressed grief. Yet he knew how to love deeply and was an amazing father to the twins.

Read my full review at Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • 11 October, 2019: Reviewed