Blood Match by K A Linde

Blood Match (Blood Type, #2)

by K.A. Linde

As the provocative, sensual Blood Type series continues, the rare bond between Reyna and Beckham is threatened by betrayal, greed, and twisted secrets.

A desperate human. A powerful vampire. A world divided.

Reyna Carpenter was promised paradise. She was delivered into hell.

Giving up her body for money was supposed to be the hardest part of becoming a blood escort. She never expected to lose her heart to her dark, enigmatic boss, Beckham Anderson. After being taken by a depraved captor who plans to rule the world, Reyna will do anything to return to Beckham.

She just has to find the will to survive this game.

From the pawn, rises a queen.

Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

I was beyond thrilled when I saw that Blood Match was up for review on NetGalley. I had loved Blood Type and was waiting for Blood Match to come out. I had hyped this book up in my head. I am glad that it lived up to my internal hype because I would have been mad if it wasn’t good. Let me clarify, mad at myself. I try not to let myself get all hyped up over books. But in this case, because Blood Type was so good, I let myself do it.

Blood Match starts off 56 days after the ending events of Blood Type. Reyna has been kidnapped by William Harrington, the president and CEO of Visage. Reyna was kidnapped because of her very rare blood type, RH null negative. Harrington needed Reyna for her blood but he wasn’t above torturing her when she wouldn’t comply. One of those times, he left her alone with a deranged vampire that he called B. Reyna is soon broken out of Visage by Elle. Reyna soon learns that not everything is what it seemed. That enemies can be allies and allies can be terrible enemies. Can she overthrow Visage with the help of her friends or will she be forced to watch people that she loved die?

Blood Match was as dark and gritty as Blood Type. There was an undercurrent of violence that ran throughout the book. That is what made the book so good. You never knew when violence was going to explode. What I also liked, and what made this book dark, was that the “good guys” weren’t necessarily good guys. The author had those characters walk a thin line between good and evil. I loved it!!

The sex in this book was great. But, what I liked was that there wasn’t a ton of it. But, when Reyna and Beckham did bump uglies, it was explosive. Even Reyna’s dream sex was amazing!!!

The plotlines in Blood Match were not resolved. If anything, more depth was added to them. I cannot wait to read book 3 to see how this story ends.

The end of the book was insane. I didn’t expect what happened to happen. And it ended with a small cliffhanger. I was mentally yelling “NO” when I read it.

I rated Blood Match with a 4-star rating. Why did I do that? I liked the plotline. I liked the characters. The sex scenes were hot. Now, with the good, there is the bad. There were parts of the book that I didn’t like. I didn’t like William Harrington. I didn’t like what Visage was doing behind the scenes. I didn’t like the cliffhanger (as small as it was).

What I liked about Blood Match (to recap):

A) Plotline. Thought it was great.

B) Characters.

C) Sex scenes

What I disliked about Blood Match (to recap):

A) William Harrington

B) What Visage was doing behind the scenes

C) the cliffhanger

I would give Blood Match an Adult rating. There is explicit sex. There is violence. There is language. I would suggest that no one under the age of 21 read this book.

I would reread Blood Match. I would also recommend this book to family and friends.

I would like to thank Random House Publishing Group, Loveswept, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review Blood Match.

All opinions stated in this review of Blood Match are mine.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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  • Started reading
  • 9 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 9 August, 2018: Reviewed