Love and Lists by Tara Sivec

Love and Lists (Chocoholics, #1)

by Tara Sivec

Fans of romantic comedies where the hero has to win back the love of his life will enjoy this hilarious story about a boy and his list.

Twenty-five-year-old Gavin Ellis has always had the love and support of his family ever since he was a little boy and couldn't stop talking about his penis. He's also always had their unsolicited advice and uncanny knack of embarrassing him at all costs. Now that he's an adult and trying to convince the love of his life to love him back, things haven't changed very much from when he was younger.

When Gavin's best friend Tyler suggests he make a to-do list of items that will ensure he wins the girl, Gavin is one-hundred-percent on board: after a few six packs.

After puking in the shrubs, a bad experience with Viagra, a Sex-Ed course gone wrong, and a slew of other mishaps courtesy of his family and friends, Gavin is pretty sure this list will be the death of him.

Sometimes, trying to make someone love you with a list isn't always the best idea.

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

2 of 5 stars

This book was just Ok for me.

This author can write funny like no ones business, but I wasn't feeling any connection between Gavin and Charlotte. I didn't even get a "best friend" vibe from either of them. No clue why they loved each other because we get limited interactions between them, and the ones we do get have a forced feel to them. These are suppose to be two adults, but they acted like OTT teenagers for the whole book. I am also not a fan of the whole "fake boyfriend/girlfriend to make the other person jealous, it always comes across as cruel to me. Don't even get me started on the grandfather giving Gavin Viagra without telling him, yes it made for a funny scene, but HELLO DANGEROUS. Maybe I am being picky...

Even when they finally get together it is boring. I just didn't feel any spark between these two at all. I also didn't like that he lost his virginity to someone because he thought she did. That bugged me a bit unfortunately. Really the only shining star of this book was Tyler, he was hilarious!

So ya, just an OK read for me. I doubt I'll continue on with the rest of the series.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 12 February, 2016: Reviewed