Reviewed by sstaley on

5 of 5 stars

Is it possible for The Secret Sisters Mysteries to get even better than the last one? I am here to say, “Yes!” Targets in Ties, by Tristi Pinkston, had more laugh out loud moments than the last book. Of course life is never “normal”, when your name is Ida Mae, and trouble follows you wherever you go.

Ida Mae, Tansy and Arlette are touring through Mexico with a jewel thief on their tails. They are in Mexico for some R&R and to pick up Ida Mae's nephew, Ren, who has been on a two-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. Of course, they end up in trouble sooner, rather than later. Targets in Ties once again makes you snicker and chuckle your way page after page. For example...

"He could very well be telling the truth, but that doesn't necessarily mean we have to help him," Arlette said, "We could let him work this out on his own."

"When have we ever let someone work things out on their own?" Tansy demanded to know.

Arlette nodded. "You're right. We aren't very good at staying out of other people's business. But maybe we should start now!"

That passage had me laughing so hard, while sitting in a quiet DR's office; quiet, all except for me, who was cracking up disturbing others peace. I couldn't help myself!! I also couldn't hold back during a conversation between Ida Mae and Tansy...

"Ida Mae shuddered. "We've never been this close to danger before." She tried to process it. "We've been locked in closets and sheds, and injected with stuff, but...this is different. That person meant to kill someone today."

Tansy shook her head. "They should take people like that and put them in leprechaun colonies."

Ida Mae blinked. "What?"

"You know how they take all of the leprechauns and make them live far away from the villages, where they can't be seen? Well, they should hunt down whoever shot at us and do the same thing to them."

"I think you mean leper colonies." Ida Mae said.

"It's all the same thing, isn't it?"

"Not exactly, but I do understand your sentiment."

That whole conversation was side splitting to me! In my mind I could see all of the leprechauns rounded up and sent away. Tristi's writing always brings out some emotion, especially that it makes me happy. I feel lucky to have her books to read.

Targets in Ties is cleverly written, full of mystery,with a great plot, and of course, the three elderly ladies who know how to kick fanny, in their own bumbling, but delightful way! This is why Target in Ties receives 5 stars from me.

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  • 22 February, 2012: Finished reading
  • 22 February, 2012: Reviewed