Beside Herself by Elizabeth LaBan

Beside Herself

by Elizabeth LaBan

With her signature wit and charm, bestselling author Elizabeth LaBan shows how marriage doesn’t necessarily follow a straight line and unexpected detours might just bring you back to the place you most want to be.

When she finds out her husband cheated, Hannah Bent thinks her marriage is over. Isn’t that what happens after an affair? But she’s seen friends divorce, and it’s not pretty. Plus, she and Joel have kids and an otherwise-happy life, and she still loves him, although begrudgingly.

Furious and feeling stuck, she suggests having her own affair to even the score. Joel, desperate for forgiveness, agrees. But does she really want to go through with it? And how exactly does a married mother of two get back in the dating pool? Many awkward dates follow until she finds a deep and unexpected connection where she was least looking for it.

Just as she thinks she’s made a decision, her journey to happiness is waylaid by storms of doubt. But the important thing is that she’s finally figuring out what she truly wants for herself, and she understands that whatever choice she makes must be hers and hers alone.

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars

Not A Megachurch. (Ignore the first paragraph. ;) ) In this book, LaBan describes the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe - as it is formally known - as a megachurch for those drawn to Disney but still religious enough to go to church while on vacation, and it is *NOT*. I'm an annual passholder at Disney and go there at least every couple of months - and frequently stop by at the outlet mall directly beside this church and know for a fact how empty it tends to be! 1* book! (OK, how do people write serious reviews like that? Get a life!)

But seriously, this book was really, really good. It takes the reader on a ride many have been on in real life and while it may bring back painful memories, it does it in a way that can provide a bit of catharsis - and maybe even hope. Funny yet mostly realistic, this book pulls few punches indeed and at times can be a bit uncomfortable for some because of it. But at the end of the day, an excellent story and very much recommended.

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  • 26 October, 2019: Finished reading
  • 26 October, 2019: Reviewed