Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

5 of 5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

"Crossroads" by Devney Perry is the first book in the Haven River Ranch series. It showcased a second-chance romance set in a quaint town. The protagonists, once childhood friends and sporadic lovers, find their lives intertwined again when they must collaborate to rescue a ranch cherished by both. It's a story of first love, nostalgic childhood memories, loss, healing, and new beginnings.

Indya and West's acquaintance began in childhood. He, a rancher's son, and she, vacationing with her parents at the ranch guesthouse each summer, formed a bond that deepened with every yearly visit. Despite their limited interaction, a profound relationship blossomed. As the years passed, farewells grew more difficult, until poor decisions and a failure to communicate caused a prolonged separation. However, Indya's eventual return sets the stage for unforeseen developments.

"Crossroads" exemplifies why I adore Devney Perry's small-town romances. She skillfully crafts a story that captivates and invests readers in the characters' lives. Indya and West's story was particularly engrossing. The tale evokes a spectrum of emotions. Particularly through West's internal conflict over perceived betrayal by his father, compounded by his feelings for Indya. Moreover, the story addresses the themes of loss and grief, eliciting an emotional response as readers resonate with Indya's experiences. The story depicted Indya as a resilient and self-reliant businesswoman, revealing her sensitive side in her interactions with West.

The supporting cast enriches the story, featuring one character who is particularly intriguing, prompting a desire to delve further into the Haven Ranch world. Devney Perry's latest work will surely appeal to fans of second-chance romances set against the backdrop of small-town charm.

Having listened to the audiobook, narrated by Samantha Brentmoor and Connor Crais, I found it to be a delightful new experience. I believe they both excelled in bringing the story and its characters to life. 

This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • 7 June, 2024: Reviewed