Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

Ok there were plenty of parts during this one that had me confused at times. But still it intrigued me completely that it took all of my time or most of it when I had a free time to read. Sita, with her powers and gifts of love she's been given, I think is still selfish in some ways. Granted her whole life has been one huge adventure after another, and death after death. But she has also done good in her life. Met a whole line of wonderful friends along the way whether she has lost them or not. Her mark on the world was pretty huge for her to go back and erase everything. Oh well, guess will have to see what the next book holds.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 25 July, 2012: Reviewed