I Love My Dog Embroidery by Oksana Kokovkina

I Love My Dog Embroidery

by Oksana Kokovkina

Discover 380 adorable dog-themed stitch motifs in I Love My Dog Embroidery, along wtih step-by-step techniques, templates, and project ideas for capturing your favorite pooch.

Created by embroidery artist MakikoArt and six other amazing embroidery artists, this fanciful collection of stitch motifs celebrates all things canine, with a wide variety of breeds represented.

With this lovely embroidery guide, you can create all manner of pups in embroidery and cross stitch, including:

  • Dogs in costumes to celebrate holidays throughout the year: Halloween, Easter, and Christmas.
  • Sporty pups skateboarding, parachuting, and ice skating, and dogs who are getting stuff done, like fetching the newspaper, carrying groceries, and holding a bone.
  • Dogs doing what they do best-classic poses, postures, and tricks-including "roll over," "give me your paw," and the ever-popular "rub my tummy"
  • Pooches disguised as people-the farmer, the artist, the businessman-and the sneaky but lovable mailman!
  • Mutts stitched with unique accents, such as borders, frames, and alphabets

You'll also find guidance on how to customize a motif to fit your favorite Fido, plus a gallery of project ideas for showcasing your stitches. Grab a needle and some floss and transform your home and wardrobe from drab to double-dog fabulous!

I Love My Dog Embroidery includes designs contributed by Chloe Redfern of Chloe Redfern Embroidery, Mia Alexi of How Could You? Clothing, Valentina Castillo Mora of Insanitynice, Miho Starling of mipomipo handmade, Anja Lehmann of Solipandi, and Elizabeth Dabczynski of Stitch People.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

I Love My Dog Embroidery is a tutorial gallery and guide for canine inspired surface embroidery from MakikoArt / Oksana Kokovkina. Published 11th Dec 2018 on Quarto's Creative Publishing Int'l imprint, it's 120 pages and available in paperback format.

This is a really fun book. The vast majority of the included designs are surface embroidery, but there are a very few charted counted (cross stitch) projects as well. The book includes a color photo gallery of all the designs numbered sequentially. This first section is followed by a photo inspiration gallery showing finishing suggestions for some of the included designs. There are the usual framed, hooped, and napkin type finishes but the gallery also includes some really cute unusual ideas such as clothing embellishment, greeting cards and jewelry. There's a tools and instructional chapter with stitch diagrams and tutorials and after that, a detailed stitch diagram guide for each of the included designs with suggested colorways and stitch details.

The book does include full size templates for use.

Really cute designs and I really like seeing surface embroidery getting some attention.
Nearly all the dog breeds I could think of were included in this collection; there's something for everyone.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 7 January, 2019: Finished reading
  • 7 January, 2019: Reviewed