Sky Coyote by Kage Baker

Sky Coyote (Company, #2)

by Kage Baker

The year is 1699, the place the Lost City in the heart of the Mayan jungle - but in fact it's New World One, a rest-and-rec center for Dr. Zeus's hard-working immortal operatives. (The margaritas at the Palenque Poodle are excellent.). Enter Facilitator Joseph. He's been given a new assignment, and it's a tough one. Joseph sailed with the Phoenicians, was a priest in Egypt, a politician in Athens, secretary to a Roman senator...but now he must go to Alta California. His mission: to save the Chumash of Humashup from certain destruction at the hands of the coming white men, by convincing an entire village to step into the future.

Reviewed by empressbrooke on

3 of 5 stars

While I really liked the first book in Kage Baker's Company series, I thought this sequel was merely "cute" - I was more interested in the mysterious politics of the Company than I was in the endless scenes with the Native American tribe that Joseph and his fellow immortals were trying to preserve. Sky Coyote was much sillier in tone than In The Garden of Iden was; lots of unanswered questions about who was running the Company and to what end were posed, but most of the pages were spent discussing the coyote god's penis and the not-as-humorous-as-was-intended modern ways of the Chumash tribe.

Most reviews I've read, luckily, have said the rest of the series is better than this low point, so I'm looking forward to reading book #3, which I just picked up from the library.

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  • Started reading
  • 31 December, 2009: Finished reading
  • 31 December, 2009: Reviewed