Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

I don’t want to write this review…point blank going to refuse…. I am sulking because this is the last book in the series! I mean it has been left in a way where another book maybe..potentially be written (hint hint) but as it is nope nada nothing! So I am going to keep sulking….

Okay, let me try and word this review!

One thing I have loved all the way through this trilogy is the details and the historical fact that you can tell that Ms Davies has weaved into the fictional plot so intrinsically. You can tell that so much effort and research has gone into this book.

Have I told you lately how much I love Caitlyn! I keep looking at my cat wondering if they could be the same. But she’s not. So I will keep dreaming lol. She is such a strong character, the amount of rubbish she has had to go through, and yet I really do not fill like she whines or moans that much. She just gets on with what she has to do to keep the peace.

But this book focuses more on a romantic aspect for Caitlyn, which she needs. She needs to be loved and cherished, I mean she’s lived a long time! But woe me it does not come without some issues! Why can’t her happiness just be simple!

And it would not be right not to mention the fab characters of Hugh, and Blod! Hugh is the hero, the man of “dreams” and Blod, Hugh’s Grandmother, was a hoot! They helped make this story and made Caitlyn shine.

I adore Ms Davies’ writing, and although this series has finished (again *whispers* how about another book) I want to read more of what she has written. I get completely lost in the words she writes, the world around me goes quiet as I go back into time to Wales and with Caitlyn.

P.s still not happy this series is over!

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  • Started reading
  • 1 November, 2018: Finished reading
  • 1 November, 2018: Reviewed