An Introduction to Needle Felting by Calver, Linda

An Introduction to Needle Felting (Crafts)

by Calver, Linda

The introduction to the book will cover a brief history of felting and felting /wool terms. It will also list what items you need to purchase to make yourself a starter Needle felting kit and then for each chapter subject, the wool and anything else you will need to complete that project. There will also be a suppliers list from which you can purchase anything you will need.

There will then follow 6 subject chapters , a 7th chapter introducing wet felting and Needle felting combined , chapter 8 will be some seasonal creations with chapter 9 showing you how all these things can be made into gifts for your family and friends or simply something lovely to keep for yourself. Each subject will be fully supported with both diagrams and photographs of how to achieve each item with suggestions and tips along the way .

The subjects covered start from basic simple shapes and how to build on these shapes and will advance in difficulty as you go through the book but everything covered is suitable for a complete novice or someone who wants to try some different ideas.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally posted on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

An Introduction to Needle Felting is a fun and well written introduction to needle felting small sculptures and sculptural elements for other crafts written by Linda Calver. Due out 30th March 2022 from Pen & Sword on their White Owl imprint, it's 176 pages and will be available in paperback format.

This is such an appealing and accessible technique and tutorial guide with clearly written instructions and colour photographs throughout which illustrate the steps from tool and materials selection through to the finished project. Many of the projects (there are, by my count, more than 20 including variations on the basic shapes) can be repurposed for other uses or just used as they are. They're full of whimsy and charm and will appeal to almost everyone. Since some of the projects contain small parts such as crowns, necklaces, etc, they might not be suitable without modification for babies or toddlers.

The introduction includes a good overview over the basic tools and supplies. The author has included a retailer list in the back of the book to make a basic kit. The retailers listed in the links are slanted to readers in the UK, but readers who live elsewhere won't have problems sourcing tools online or at larger crafts shops. The following chapters contain the tutorials: basic shapes, bee & beehive, owls, mouse, fairy, kitty, wet felting, and several seasonal holiday projects.

Five stars. This is a useful and beginner accessible guide and would make a great selection for library acquisition, maker's groups, activity groups, and the home library.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 February, 2022: Finished reading
  • 6 February, 2022: Reviewed