Calamity by Brandon Sanderson

Calamity (Reckoners, #3)

by Brandon Sanderson

Read the final book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Reckoners series by worldwide bestselling author Brandon Sanderson!
    When Calamity lit up the sky, the Epics were born. David’s fate has been tied to their villainy ever since that historic night. Steelheart killed his father. Firefight stole his heart. And now Regalia has turned Prof, his closest ally, into a dangerous enemy.
    David knew Prof’s secret, and kept it even when Prof struggled to control the effects of his Epic powers. But facing Obliteration in Babilar was too much. Once the Reckoners’ leader, Prof has...Read more

Reviewed by adamfortuna on

4 of 5 stars

I was looking forward to this one for a long time. From the end of Firefight when more background on Calamity was revealed, I was aching to know more backstory. The evolution of the world, and the new salt city stood out. Even the new epics had time to shine in this relatively short book. To say much more is a spoiler, but if you've already read the first two, you'll probably enjoy the finale. Maybe not love and rave about it, but it's a worthy ending to a fun series.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 23 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 23 February, 2016: Reviewed